Fulfillment Policy: Prepaid Pickup for Landscape Supply

Order Processing Time: On Arrival.

Order Confirmation: Upon placing an order online, you will receive an email confirmation acknowledging your purchase.

Processing Time: Orders typically require 2 hours for processing before they are ready for pickup.

Notification: You will receive a notification via email or text when your order is ready for pickup.

Confirmation of Payment: Ensure your payment is confirmed before arriving for pickup.

Pickup Location: Our pickup location is [provide address/map link].

Identification: Bring a valid ID and a copy of your order confirmation (digital or printed) for verification purposes.

Loading Assistance: Our staff will assist in loading materials into your vehicle. Please ensure your vehicle is appropriate for the load size.

Pickup Timeframe: Orders must be picked up within 6 days from the notification of readiness.

Storage: Limited storage facilities are available. Orders not picked up within the specified timeframe may be subject to storage fees or order cancellation.

Modifications: Contact us as soon as possible if you need to modify your order. We will do our best to accommodate changes before order processing.

Cancellations: Cancellations made before order processing will be eligible for a full refund. Once processing has begun, cancellations may incur a restocking fee.

Returns and Exchanges:

Policy: Please review our returns and exchanges policy https://www.sczeroscapes.com/return-cancellation-policy/.Contact Information:

For any inquiries, concerns, or assistance:

Email: info@sczeroscapes.com
Phone: 864-300-4262
Customer Service Hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday EST